About Us

Mission & Vision

I58 Network is a parent organization for new Christian ministries enabling them to grow into thriving independent organizations ministering to and meeting the needs of the people under their care.

History of I58 Network

A group of members of Foothills Community Church, located in the Meadows Shopping Center in Arvada, Colorado, foresaw the need for small start-up ministries to be able to have non-profit status and to receive donations, apart from a church. They worked to form a 501(c)3 to accomplish this goal and incorporated April 8, 2008. The organization began with an Executive Director, four officers and a single Director. One of its first member organizations was the Second Chance Thrift Store, along with Packs of Hope and Haven’s Hope. Though the Second Chance Thrift Store closed in 2022, the other two organizations have continued to grow and thrive in the performance of their ministries. Through the years, other ministries have for a season performed specific services such as Buddy Break, which served families with autistic children; Library for All, which provided books for other countries; and others.
Though most of these ministries were shepherded by Foothills Community Church members, today’s I58 Network is expanding its reach to emerging ministries outside the renamed Revive Church. There is still a need for an I58 Network to assist new ministries by providing start-up basics, such as web-site visibility, donation capabilities and mutual support and mentoring.

Helping Ministries Grow

Why Choose I58 Network?

Organizational Support

  • Non-profit umbrella of a 501(c)3
  • Periodic accounting reports and annual filing of form 990 with the IRS
  • Free basic checking account
  • Receipt of tax-deductible donations
  • No specific church affiliation

Growing A Ministry

  • Informal mentoring as the ministry grows
  • Web page and email service
  • Support for grant applications
  • Coordinated events for awareness, volunteer recruitment and financial support
  • Optional participation in the Board of Directors

I58 Alumni

  • Second Chance Thrift Store
  • Buddy Break
  • Connections in Christ
  • Golden Packs of Hope
  • Library for All
  • Master’s Hand
  • Foothills Forever Families
  • Cherished Moments
  • Packs of Hope
  • Heart 4 Dental Missions


FAQ for Interested Ministries

How will my ministry exist as a member of I58 Network?

Your ministry will be a legal DBA (doing business as…) of I58 Network, you will have non-profit status under I58’s EIN and will be listed with the Colorado Secretary of State as such.  Your finances are independent and you manage your ministry independently.  Your ministry “lives or dies” with you.

What do I need to do to become a member ministry of I58 Network?

The Board of Directors will invite you to a meeting to present your ministry and talk with you about your strategies and projections.  The Board of Directors must approve your request to become a member ministry.

You will be assisted in adding your ministry to the Secretary of State website as an I58 Network DBA.  I58 Network has a paid accountant to handle your high-level bookkeeping so that your ministry may be included in periodic accounting reports and annual filing of form 990 with the IRS, which takes care of your reporting for tax purposes.

How do I receive donations?

You may receive donations directly via check to be deposited in your account.  You may also receive donations from your website or I58 Network’s website through I58 Network’s checking account, which is then transferred to your checking account.  You are responsible for acknowledging any donations you receive.

Do I set up my own checking account?

You will be offered a free checking account at the same bank I58 Network banks.  Our paid accountant will also be a signer on your account.  You will receive periodic accounting reports for your information and review.

Will I58 Network host my website and provide email?
I58 Network offers your ministry a free website page as a part of its website. Your page may look very differently from that of I58 Network, but its url will be something like this:  i58network.org/yourministry. If you prefer to have a completely different website, I58 Network’s website will provide a link to it and coding for donations, as well as continue to receive and forward donations received on the I58 Network website to your ministry’s checking account.  You, however, will need to pay for hosting outside I58 Network’s website. As for email service, your email will look like this: ministry@i58network.org.
What other kinds of support may I expect?

You may expect informal mentoring as your ministry grows, support for grant applications, listing on select charity websites, coordinated events for awareness and volunteer recruitment.

What is the cost for membership?

All member ministries pay a percentage of all deposits (currently 2%, as set by the Board of Directors) to cover administrative and web site costs.  In-kind donations are not considered.

Will I have a “say” in the policies and practices of I58 Network?

You may optionally participate as a Director on the Board of Directors, if there is a seat available.

FAQ for Donors and Volunteers

How do I financially support one of the ministries that interest me?

You may donate either on the I58 Network website on its donation page (where you may select the ministry of interest), or you may navigate to the ministry’s page or website and donate there.

What is “stripe”?

Though it may not yet be a prominent as Paypal, Stripe is well-respected and completely safe to use to manage your donation, whether it is via credit card, debit card or directly from your bank account.  I58 Network elected to use Stripe in order to minimize pass-through fees and maximize the final donation to the ministry.

How do I get more information or find out how to volunteer for a select ministry?

Navigate to the page or website of the ministry of interest.  There you will find more detailed information and a way to contact the director of that ministry.

What if I want to support or volunteer to participate in I58 Network?

If you would like to volunteer, navigate to the Contact page of the I58 Network website and send us a note indicating your interest.  If you would like to support I58 Network financially, navigate to the Donation page and select I58 Network for the recipient.

Does I58 Network make its annual Form 990 submittal available to prospective donors for their review?
Yes, please review this Form 990.